Types of Loans

1) Normal/Development Loan.
- Interest of 1% per month on reducing balance.
- The maximum repayment period is 36 months.
- Given x3 of members deposits.
- Easy to top up facility.
- Applicant must be a member.
- Applicant must make minimum monthly contribution as applicable to all members.
- Loan guarantee is as provided in the credit policy.
- Mode of payment is through check off, cash deposit, pay bill and standing orders.

2) Advance Loan.
- Interest of 1.25% per month on flat rate.
- The maximum repayment period is 12 months.
- Given depending on the member’s deposits.
- Easy to top up facility.
- Applicant must be a member.
- Applicant must make minimum monthly contribution as applicable to all members.
- Loan guarantee is as provided in the credit policy.
- Mode of contribution is through check off, cash deposit, pay bill and standing orders.

3) Kamilisha Mradi Loan.
- Interest of 1.1% per month on reducing balance.
- The maximum repayment period is 24 months.
- Member must be financing another loan.
- Easy to top up facility.
- Applicant must be a member.
- Applicant must make minimum monthly contribution as applicable to all members.
- Loan guarantee is as provided in the credit policy.
- Mode of contribution is through check off, cash deposit, pay bill and standing orders.

4) Bidii Loan
- Interest 14% of per month on reducing balance.
- The maximum repayment period is 48 months.
- Given x3 of members deposits.
- Easy to top up facility.
- Applicant must be a member.
- Applicant must make minimum monthly contribution as applicable to all members.
- Loan guarantee is as provided in the credit policy.
- Mode of contribution is through check off, cash deposit, pay bill and standing orders.

5) Inuka Loan
- Maximum amounted granted Ksh 200,000
- Interest of 14% per annum on reducing balance.
- The maximum repayment period is 24 months.
- Given x4 of members deposits.
- Easy to top up facility.
- Applicant must be a member.
- Applicant must make minimum monthly contribution as applicable to all members.
- Loan guarantee is as provided in the credit policy.
- Mode of contribution is through check off, cash deposit, pay bill and standing orders.

6) Tegemeo Loan
- Maximum amounted granted Ksh 300,000.
- Interest 14% of per annum on reducing balance.
- The maximum repayment period is 36 months.
- Given x4 of members deposits.
- Easy to top up facility.
- Applicant must be a member.
- Applicant must make minimum monthly contribution as applicable to all members.
- Loan guarantee is as provided in the credit policy.

7) Normal Plus Loan.
- Interest 14% of per annum on reducing balance.
- The maximum repayment period is 60 months.
- Given x4 of members deposits.
- Easy to top up facility.
- Applicant must be a member.
- Applicant must make minimum monthly contribution as applicable to all members.
- Loan guarantee is as provided in the credit policy.
- Mode of contribution is through check off, cash deposit, pay bill and standing orders.

8) Security/Asset Loan.
- Interest of 14% per annum on reducing balance.
- The maximum repayment period is 72 months.
- Given x3 of members deposits.
- Easy to top up facility.
- Applicant must be a member.
- Applicant must make minimum monthly contribution as applicable to all members.
- Loan guarantee is as provided in the credit policy.
- Mode of contribution is through check off, cash deposit, pay bill and standing orders.

9) Security Plus
- Interest of 14% per annum on reducing balance.
- The maximum repayment period is 72 months.
- Given x4 of members deposits.
- Easy to top up facility.
- Applicant must be a member.
- Applicant must make minimum monthly contribution as applicable to all members.
- Loan guarantee is as provided in the credit policy.
- Mode of contribution is through check off, cash deposit, pay bill and standing orders.