"We remain steadfast in helping our customers with managing their savings and access to credit."
Who qualifies to be a member?
Currently, membership to the Sacco is open to the general public. We, however, draw membership from:
- Company officials
- Sacco societies
- Cooperatives
- Groups
- Enterprises
- Business community-Among others
How can one become a member?
- You need to fill a membership application form Download Here.
- Attach relevant documents (Copy of your ID card and Passport size photo)
- Membership fee of KES. 1,200 and submit them to the Sacco Office for registration. Biashara Street Kikinga House 6th Floor
Who is a member?
One will enjoy rights to participate in member activities and privileges of membership, which include loans and interests on deposits upon:
- Paying registration fee of KES. 1,200
- Making minimum monthly contribution of KES. 2,100
- Having a minimum share capital contribution of KES. 10,000 (payable in installments or in lump sum) upon registration.